Prediction of Sparse User-Item Consumption Rates with Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression

In this paper we address the problem of building user models that can predict the rate at which individuals consume items from a finite set, including items they have consumed in the past and items that are new. This combination of repeat and new item consumption is common in applications such as listening to music, visiting web sites, and purchasing products. We use zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression models as the basis for our modeling approach, leading to a general framework for modeling user-item consumption rates over time. We show that these models are more flexible in capturing user behavior than alternatives such as well-known latent factor models based on matrix factorization. We compare the performance of ZIP regression and latent factor models on three different data sets involving music, restaurant reviews, and social media. The ZIP regression models are systematically more accurate across all three data sets and across different prediction metrics.

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