Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing—a special issue in honour of Giovanni L. Sicuranza on his seventy-fifth birthday

This special issue on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing serves two purposes. The first goal is to provide an overview of current trends and new research results in the broad field of Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing. The second goal is to celebrate Professor Giovanni L. Sicuranza’s contributions in this field on his seventyfifth birthday. Specifically, this issue aims to honor his pioneering research in the area, his achievements, and his dedication to the EURASIP community. The guest editors of this special issue have had the good fortune and honor of working with Giovanni for more than thirty years. They have always appreciated his scientific competence and his research vision. Even more importantly, they have always enjoyed his friendship and his positive approach that make working with him most pleasant. Professor Giovanni L. Sicuranza belongs to a distinguished group of pioneers who understood the potential and the wide domain of applications of nonlinear digital signal processing and was instrumental through his activities in developing the discipline as a mainstream research area. He has also been a strong and consistent supporter of EURASIP activities throughout his career. Professor Sicuranza was born on September 7, 1940. After completing his education in Electronic Engineering at the University of Padova, he joined the University of Trieste (Italy) as an assistant professor of applied electronics in 1967. He remained with the University till he retired as a professor of signal and image processing in 2011. He has continued his relationship with the University of Trieste since then as a professor emeritus. He established the Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) at the Electrical, Electronic and Computer Science Department of the University of Trieste in 1980 and was its director till 2005. Through his leadership, IPL grew into