Teaching thinking and problem solving: Research foundations.

[1]  M. Linn The Cognitive Consequences of Programming Instruction in Classrooms , 1985 .

[2]  Nancy L. Stein,et al.  Knowledge and Process in the Acquisition of Writing Skills , 1986 .

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[4]  L. Baker An evaluation of the role of metacognitive deficits in learning disabilities. , 1982 .

[5]  E. Eisner Learning and teaching the ways of knowing , 1985 .


[7]  John R. Anderson The Architecture of Cognition , 1983 .

[8]  Ann L. Brown Learning, remembering, and understanding , 1982 .

[9]  James G. Greeno,et al.  Indefinite Goals in Well-Structured Problems. , 1976 .

[10]  John D. Bransford,et al.  Differences in approaches to learning: An overview. , 1982 .

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[16]  R. Mayer Thinking, Problem Solving, Cognition , 1983 .

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[29]  Richard E. Mayer,et al.  The Teaching of Learning Strategies. , 1983 .

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[32]  Ann L. Brown,et al.  Reciprocal Teaching of Comprehension-Fostering and Comprehension-Monitoring Activities , 1984 .

[33]  Alan H. Schoenfeld,et al.  Episodes and Executive Decisions in Mathematical Problem Solving. , 1981 .

[34]  R. Gelman Conservation acquisition: A problem of learning to attend to relevant attributes☆ , 1969 .

[35]  Edward E. Smith,et al.  Teaching the process of reading comprehension , 1980 .

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[39]  J. Flavell Metacognition and Cognitive Monitoring: A New Area of Cognitive-Developmental Inquiry. , 1979 .

[40]  E. Ghatala,et al.  The effects of strategy—Monitoring training on children's selection of effective memory strategies , 1983 .

[41]  Alan H. Schoenfeld,et al.  Measures of Problem-Solving Performance and of Problem-Solving Instruction. , 1982 .

[42]  M. Chi Knowledge structures and memory development. , 1978 .

[43]  D. Cross,et al.  Informed strategies for learning: a program to improve children's reading awareness and comprehension , 1984 .

[44]  S. Heath Ways with Words: Language, Life and Work in Communities and Classrooms , 1983 .

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[47]  John J. Clement,et al.  Cognitive Process Instruction: Research on Teaching Thinking Skills , 1979 .

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[49]  Walter Kintsch,et al.  On modeling comprehension. , 1979 .

[50]  J. Dewey,et al.  How We Think , 2009 .

[51]  Jean Piaget Piaget’s Theory , 1976 .

[52]  J. Bransford,et al.  The ideal problem solver , 1984 .

[53]  J. Rieser,et al.  Spatial self-reference systems and shortest-route behavior in toddlers. , 1982, Child development.

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[60]  Herbert A. Simon,et al.  Problem Solving in Semantically Rich Domains: An Example from Engineering Thermodynamics , 1977, Cogn. Sci..

[61]  K. Holyoak,et al.  Schema induction and analogical transfer , 1983, Cognitive Psychology.

[62]  E. Markman,et al.  Suggestions for training comprehension monitoring. , 1982 .

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[64]  Roy D. Pea,et al.  On the Cognitive Effects of Learning Computer Programming: A Critical Look. Technical Report No. 9. , 1987 .

[65]  R. Glaser Advances in Instructional Psychology , 1978 .

[66]  Robert J. Sternberg,et al.  Intelligence as Thinking and Learning Skills. , 1981 .

[67]  George Katona,et al.  Organizing and Memorizing: Studies in the Psychology of Learning and Teaching , 1967 .

[68]  Anton E. Lawson,et al.  A Review of Research on Formal Reasoning and Science Teaching. , 1985 .

[69]  Arthur Luehrmann,et al.  Computer Literacy , 1983 .

[70]  R. Weisberg,et al.  Transferring old associations to new situations: A nonautomatic process , 1978 .

[71]  John Seely Brown,et al.  Diagnostic Models for Procedural Bugs in Basic Mathematical Skills , 1978, Cogn. Sci..

[72]  Lauren B. Resnick Syntax and Semantics in Learning to Subtract. , 1982 .

[73]  B. Wong,et al.  Sentence Elaboration and Retention of Good, Average and Poor Readers , 1984 .

[74]  J. Bransford,et al.  Constraints on access in a problem solving context , 1983, Memory & cognition.

[75]  P. Mussen,et al.  Carmichael's Manual of Child Psychology , 1972 .

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[78]  L. S. Vygotskiĭ,et al.  Mind in society : the development of higher psychological processes , 1978 .

[79]  Richard E. Mayer Thinking and problem solving: An introduction to human cognition and learning. , 1977 .

[80]  R. Paul,et al.  Dialogical thinking: Critical thought essential to the acquisition of rational knowledge and passions. , 1987 .

[81]  John D. Bransford,et al.  Computer Strategies for Education: Foundations and Content-Area Applications , 1986 .

[82]  Joan Boykoff Baron,et al.  Teaching Thinking Skills: Theory and Practice , 1986 .

[83]  K. Holyoak,et al.  Analogical problem solving , 1980, Cognitive Psychology.

[84]  Ann L. Brown,et al.  Learning to Learn: On Training Students to Learn from Texts , 1981 .

[85]  R. Sternberg Intelligence, Information Processing and Analogical Reasoning : The Componential Analysis of Human Abilities , 1977 .

[86]  L. Vygotsky Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes: Harvard University Press , 1978 .

[87]  Mary S. Riley,et al.  Development of Children's Problem-Solving Ability in Arithmetic. , 1984 .

[88]  John R. Hayes,et al.  The Complete Problem Solver , 1981 .

[89]  Ellen M. Markman,et al.  Realizing that you don't understand: elementary school children's awareness of inconsistencies. , 1979 .

[90]  Robert Glaser All's well that begins and ends with both knowledge and process: A reply to Sternberg. , 1985 .

[91]  J. Turnure Communication and Cues in the Functional Cognition of the Mentally Retarded , 1985 .

[92]  Marcia K. Johnson,et al.  Contextual prerequisites for understanding: Some investigations of comprehension and recall , 1972 .

[93]  Norwood Russell Hanson A picture theory of theory meaning , 1971 .

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[96]  Cleborne D. Maddux Logo in the Schools , 1985 .

[97]  Ann L. Brown Knowing When, Where, and How to Remember: A Problem of Metacognition. Technical Report No. 47. , 1977 .


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[104]  Seymour Papert,et al.  Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas , 1981 .

[105]  P. E. Morris,et al.  Practical aspects of memory , 1980 .

[106]  Joseph D. Novak,et al.  Learning How to Learn , 1984 .

[107]  P. Thorndyke,et al.  Individual differences in procedures for knowledge acquisition from maps , 1980, Cognitive Psychology.

[108]  John D. Bransford,et al.  Havens for Learning: Toward a Framework for Developing Effective Uses of Technology. , 1985 .

[109]  Alan H. Schoenfeld,et al.  Mathematical Problem Solving , 1985 .

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[114]  Robert J. Sternberg,et al.  Sketch of a componential subtheory of human intelligence , 1980, Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

[115]  John D. Bransford,et al.  Differences in the precision of self-generated elaborations. , 1982 .

[116]  Linda Flower,et al.  The Dynamics of Composing : Making Plans and Juggling Constraints , 1980 .

[117]  Andrea A. diSessa,et al.  Unlearning Aristotelian Physics: A Study of Knowledge-Based Learning , 1982, Cogn. Sci..

[118]  S. Paris,et al.  The benefits of informed instruction for children's reading awareness and comprehension skills. , 1984 .

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[120]  A. D. D. Groot Thought and Choice in Chess , 1978 .

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[122]  L. Baker,et al.  Comprehension Monitoring: Identifying and Coping with Text Confusions1 , 1979 .

[123]  B. Wong Activating the Inactive Learner: Use of Questions/Prompts to Enhance Comprehension and Retention of Implied Information in Learning Disabled Children , 1980 .

[124]  H. Simon,et al.  The mind's eye in chess. , 1973 .

[125]  Richard C. Anderson,et al.  Learning to read in American schools : basal readers and content texts , 1984 .

[126]  Margaret C. Donaldson Children's Minds , 1978 .

[127]  M. F. Rubinstein Patterns of Problem Solving , 1975 .

[128]  Victor R. Delclos Teaching Thinking through LOGO: The Importance of Method. Technical Report Series, Report No. 84.1.2. , 1984 .

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[130]  A. Lawson,et al.  Promoting Intellectual Development Through Science Teaching. , 1973 .

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