Chrysomelid communities (Chrysomelidae, Coleoptera) of xerothermic grasslands (Inuletum ensifoliae) in the Wyżyna Miechowska Uplands (Central Poland)

The species composition, abundance and dominance structure of chrysomelids were characterized in xerothermic grasslands in southern Poland (Wyżyna Miechowska Uplands). During a two-year study, a total of 54 species was recorded; the mean value of the abundance index was 9.3, Longitarsus obliteratus and Derocrepis rufipes being eudominants. The species composition and quantitative structure of the community were similar (S = 80.0%, Re = 70.5%) but diversity, evenness and dominance indices of the community changed slightly although the abundance dynamics of the beetles varied significantly in the study years.