Detection of the Winds from the Exciting Sources of Shell H II Regions in NGC 6334

We present results of high-sensitivity, high-resolution, multifrequency VLA observations toward the star-forming complex NGC 6334. We find that the H II region NGC 6334E, previously described as spherical, has a shell-like morphology. An additional shell-like radio source, G351.02+0.65, is mapped at 330 MHz. Four radio sources in the NGC 6334 complex present shell-like morphology; their diameters vary from 0.12 to 3.5 pc. Compact radio sources are detected at the center of the shells of NGC 6334E and NGC 6334A. These compact sources are believed to be associated with the exciting stars and are probably tracing ionized stellar winds. This is the first time for any H II region that both the shell and the central object are detected simultaneously in the radio. Two compact radio sources are detected toward the NGC 6334I(N) molecular core. One of them lies within 0.″3 of the position of a bright Class II methanol maser, suggesting that the radio source is associated with a young embedded massive star. This is the first detection of a radio continuum source in the NGC 6334I(N) region.

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