단순가공 농산물의 품질ㆍ안전 관리 방안
The purpose of this study is to derive the ways of efficient management on quality and safety of simple processed agricultural products. The definition and scope is divided into simple processed agricultural products and processed foods depending on the purpose of usage. The former is generally used to cook including preprocessing and fresh cut products, and the latter is consumed instantly covering fresh convenience foods and some fresh cut products. For this purpose, we need to manage the simple processed agricultural products with GAP(Good Agricultural Practices) and processed foods in HACCP. Although GAP is managing the hazard factors from production to post-harvest, distribution, and sale, there can be the lack of management zones in marketing channels because it is not legally binding on quality and safety for simple processed agricultural products. Furthermore, GAP has the standards of land, water, and chemicals to produce agricultural products and certified agricultural products have to be distributed through the GAP facilities. However, the standards for facilities are not specified. Therefore, the specific measures should be provided for GAP. First, a cold chain system should be introduced and enhanced in the marketing channel and management. It is necessary to suppress as much as possible micro-organisms in agricultural products since there is a risk of contamination due to the nature of the products cultivated in the open field. Second, it should be obliged to use the water for washing food. According to the simple processing manufacturer survey, 53.3% of those use the tap water, followed by groundwater and agricultural water. However, there is risk of being exposed to livestock manure and chemicals because most of businesses are in the agricultural production area. Third, management standards for packaging of processed agricultural products should be established. since there is potential risk of browning and odors relying on the packing methods and mixed harmful substances in the packing process. Fourth, the publicity for GAP should be strengthened. Producers and manufacturers do not use the GAP due to no compensation but consumers do not know the GAP. Moreover, the survey indicated that consumers are willing to pay additional costs for GAP agricultural products. Fifth, the training and consulting of the quality and safety for producers and employees should be extended. These programs are needed for both producers and processors to produce high quality and safe products. Sixth, it is needed to designate more GAP facilities. Since RPC and APC of the national GAP facilities are each only 55% and 42%, RPC and APC supported from government should be mandatory to specify the GPA facilities and extend to private facilities. Finally, we need to build the connection systems of GAP and HACCP. Without a predetermined program such as GAP and GMP, HACCP can not perform because it is only a portion of the food safety programs. Therefore, it is preferable to manage the simple processed agricultural products like pretreatment and some fresh cut products with GAP and HACCP for processed foods including instant intake is desirable.