A geometrical calibration method for the PIXSCAN micro-CT scanner

Reconstruction in Cone-Beam Tomography can suffer from artifacts due to geometrical misalignments of the source-detector system. They can be avoided by a complete and precise description of the system. We present a high precision method for the geometric calibration for the PIXSCAN, a small animal X-ray CT scanner demonstrator based on hybrid pixel detectors (XPAD2). The specificities of the XPAD2 detectors (dead pixels, tilts and gaps between modules...) made the calibration of the PIXSCAN quite difficult. The method uses a calibration object consisting of a hollow cylinder of polycarbonate on which we positioned four metallic balls. It requires 360 X-ray images (1? increments). An analytic expression of the 3 image ellipses has been derived. It is used for a least square regression of the 13 alignment parameters after a correction of the internal XPAD2 geometry. Our method is fast and completely automated, achieving a precision of about 30 ?m.