3D-modeling of deformed halite hopper crystals by Object Based Image Analysis

Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) is an established method for analyzing multiscale and multidimensional imagery in a range of disciplines. In the present study this method was used for the 3D reconstruction of halite hopper crystals in a mudrock sample, based on Computed Tomography data. To quantitatively assess the reliability of OBIA results, they were benchmarked against a corresponding "gold standard", a reference 3D model of the halite crystals that was derived by manual expert digitization of the CT images. For accuracy assessment, classical per-scene statistics were extended to per-object statistics. The strength of OBIA was to recognize all objects similar to halite hopper crystals and in particular to eliminate cracks. Using a support vector machine (SVM) classifier on top of OBIA, unsuitable objects like halite crystal clusters, polyhalite-coated crystals and spherical halite crystals were effectively dismissed, but simultaneously the number of well-shaped halites was reduced. Object Based Image Analysis was used for 3D reconstruction of halite hopper crystals.A support vector machine classifier on top of OBIA dismissed unsuitable objects.The result was benchmarked against a corresponding "gold standard".For accuracy assessment, per-scene statistics were extended to per-object statistics.

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