Permanent remission of ketotic diabetes with subsequent normal C-peptide secretion.

To the Editor. —Juvenile diabetics is initially seen with fatigue, weight loss, increased thirst, frequent urination, and glycosuria-ketonuria with or without ketoacidosis. Initially, the insulin secretory function is minimal despite hyperglycemia. Many diabetics enter a transient period of remission (the honeymoon period) within several months, but their conditions eventually deteriorate to a state of total insulin deficiency. A young man examined for remission showed evidence of a diabetes cure. Report of a Case. —An 18-year-old man was seen initially at the Joslin Clinic on June 29, 1973, for evaluation of diabetes mellitus. He had polyuria, polydipsia, fatigue, leg cramps, and had had a 23-kg weight loss from 108 kg. He had been hospitalized at another hospital for three weeks, with an admission blood glucose level of 441 mg/dL associated with glycosuria (4 + ) and ketonuria. Serum electrolyte levels were normal. He received a 2,400-calorie/day diet, and his condition was regulated with