Runtime Reflection: Dynamic model-based analyis of component-based distributed embedded systems

Distributed embedded systems have pervaded the automotive domain, but often still lack measures to ensure adequate behaviour in the presence of unforeseen events, or even errors at runtime. As interactions and dependencies within distributed automotive systems increase, the problem of detecting failures which depend on the exact situation and environment conditions they occur in grows. As a result, not only the detection of failures is increasingly difficult, but also the differentiation between the symptoms of a fault, and the actual fault itself, i. e., the cause of a problem. In this paper, we present a novel and efficient approach built around the notion of a software component similar to AUTOSAR, for dynamically analysing distributed embedded systems in the testing phase or even in standard operation, in that we provide a framework for detecting failures as well as identifying their causes. Our approach is based upon monitoring safety properties, specified in a language that allows to express dynamic system properties. For such specifications so-called monitor components are generated automatically to detect violations of software components. Based on the results of the monitors, a dedicated diagnosis is then performed in order to identify explanations for the misbehaviour of a system. These may be used to store detailed error logs, or to trigger recovery measures.

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