Parallel optimization algorithm for drone inspection in the building industry

In this paper we present an approach for Vehicle Routing Problem with Drones (VRPD) in case of building inspection from the air. In autonomic inspection process there is a need to determine of the optimal route for inspection drone. This is especially important issue because of the very limited flight time of modern multicopters. The method of determining solutions for Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP), described in this paper bases on Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm (ParEA)with cooperative and independent approach for communication between threads. This method described first by Bozejko and Wodecki [1] bases on the observation that if exists some number of elements on certain positions in a number of permutations which are local minima, then those elements will be in the same position in the optimal solution for TSP problem. Numerical experiments were made on BEM computational cluster with using MPI library.In this paper we present an approach for Vehicle Routing Problem with Drones (VRPD) in case of building inspection from the air. In autonomic inspection process there is a need to determine of the optimal route for inspection drone. This is especially important issue because of the very limited flight time of modern multicopters. The method of determining solutions for Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP), described in this paper bases on Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm (ParEA)with cooperative and independent approach for communication between threads. This method described first by Bozejko and Wodecki [1] bases on the observation that if exists some number of elements on certain positions in a number of permutations which are local minima, then those elements will be in the same position in the optimal solution for TSP problem. Numerical experiments were made on BEM computational cluster with using MPI library.