Design description and commissioning performance of a stable coronagraph technology development testbed for direct imaging of Earth-like exoplanets

Direct imaging of an Earth-like exoplanet requires starlight suppression with a contrast ratio on the order of 1×10-10 at small angular separations of 100 milliarcseconds or less in visible light. To aid the technology development to reach this capability and enable future exoplanet missions, we built a high contrast coronagraph testbed, titled the Decadal Survey Testbed (DST). As of early 2019, the testbed has repeatedly demonstrated a monochromatic contrast floor about 1×10-10, and broadband performance at 550 nm with 10% color band- width <4×10-10 . The testbed has also demonstrated open-loop contrast drift rates of around 10-10/hour, temperature drift stabilities of <10 milliKelvins/day, passive pointing stability of around 0.1 λ/D per day on the occulting mask, and rms pointing jitter around 0.005 λ/D. This paper focusses primarily on the testbed hardware description, and a companion paper by Seo et al. details the experimental results.