High angle-of-attack flight dynamics of a forward-swept wing fighter configuration

As part of a forward-swept wing technology development effort, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the NASA Langley Research Center are conducting a cooperative research program to investigate the high angle-of-attack, stall and spin characteristics associated with the forward-swept wing concept. The studies are centered around the X-29A configuration which is being built to flight demonstrate the application of forward-swept wing technology to a fighter class airplane. The program includes static and dynamic wind-tunnel force tests, free-flight model tests, drop-model tests, spin-tunnel tests, and piloted simulation studies. Selected results are presented from the Langley research program on the X-29A configuration with emphasis on the high-alpha aerodynamics and the vehicle component contributions to these characteristics. The effects of these aerodynamic characteristics on the overall high-alpha flying qualities of the configuration are discussed in terms of results of the wind-tunnel free-flight tests and the piloted simulation study.