HACCP development and regulatory assessment in the United States of America

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is internationally recognized as the best method of assuring product safety by controlling foodborne safety hazards. Currently, within the USA, the FDA has mandated HACCP for fish and fishery products and is proposing mandating HACCP for fruit and vegetable juices. The USDA has mandated Pathogen Reduction/HACCP requirements for meat and poultry processing, and the NMFS Seafood Inspection Program operates a voluntary HACCP program for seafood plants. The requirements for mandatory implementation and proposed regulations represent a significant change in the manner in which foods are regulated for food safety and necessitate a new understanding of the diAerent roles and responsibilities between the food industries and the regulatory agencies within the USA. Each agency will approach the evaluation process differently given their unique legislative authorities and programmatic operations. Nevertheless, each agency agrees that HACCP is the best food control system of choice and is committed to improve food safety requirements. ” 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.