Transport complexity of data dissemination in large-scale online social networks

In this paper, we aim to measure the transport difficulty of data dissemination in online social networks (OSNs). We focus on a usual type of interest-driven social sessions in OSNs, called Social-InterestCast, under which users autonomously determine whether to view the content from their followees depending on their interest. We define the fundamental limit of transport load as a new metric, called transport complexity, i.e., the minimally required transport load for an OSN in a given carrier network. We derive the transport complexity for Social-InterestCast sessions in a large-scale OSN in the carrier network with optimal communication architecture. The results can act as the common lower bounds on transport load for Social-InterestCast in any carrier networks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to measure the transport difficulty for data dissemination in OSNs by modeling session patterns with the interest-driven characteristics.