Scratchpad II: A computer algebra language and system

The Scratchpad II system represents a new generation of systems for doing symbolic mathematics, based on modern algebra and abstract data types. A large number of facilities are provided, for example: symbolic integration, “infinite” power series, differential operators, Cartesian tensors, and solution of nonlinear systems. Scratchpad II has been designed from the outset to be extendible. The system introduces a new data abstraction notion, the “category,” to express intricate interrelationships between data types. The result design permits the compilation of algorithms described in their most natural mathematical setting. The use of categories guarantees user defined types and packages are compatible with each other and with built in facilities. This system provides a single high‐level language with an intepreter and compiler. The language can be used by the naive user for convenient interactive mathematics calculations and by the advanced user for the efficient implementation of algorithms. Scratchpad I...