Desarrollo de un algoritmo de cifrado para el control de acceso a la información basado en curvas elípticas

The present study analyzes a theorical proposal to the secure access of information for an hierarchical structure, by an algorithm that develops a key management and derivation scheme based on Elliptic Curves. Inside an hierarchical system with distinct levels of security, where the authorized members to their respective scopes of information trust in protecting from eavesdroppers, it is required to storage and distribute private and public data as access control operations. These requirements must develop with efficient schemes that minimize available resources, even when it comes with an multilevel and big relationshipped hierarchy. For this, an algorithm scheme is esxplained that is based on Elliptic Curve equations applied to cryptography, which cause of Logarithm Discrete Problem intractability they accomplish to strengthen key generation and multilevel data access, serving this research as a contribution on Public Key Criptography approach