Separation of circadian- and behavior-driven metabolite rhythms in humans provides a window on peripheral oscillators and metabolism

Significance Shift workers, whose schedules are misaligned relative to their suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) circadian pacemaker, are at elevated risk of metabolic disorders. In a study of simulated day- versus night-shift work followed by a constant routine, we separated plasma-circulating metabolites according to whether their 24-h rhythms aligned with the central SCN pacemaker or instead reflected externally imposed behavioral schedules. We found that rhythms in many metabolites implicated in food metabolism dissociated from the SCN pacemaker rhythm, with the vast majority aligning with the preceding sleep/wake and feeding/fasting cycles. Our metabolomics study yields insight into the link between prolonged exposure to shift work and the spectrum of associated metabolic disorders by providing a window into peripheral oscillators and the biobehavioral factors that orchestrate them. Misalignment between internal circadian rhythmicity and externally imposed behavioral schedules, such as occurs in shift workers, has been implicated in elevated risk of metabolic disorders. To determine underlying mechanisms, it is essential to assess whether and how peripheral clocks are disturbed during shift work and to what extent this is linked to the central suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) pacemaker and/or misaligned behavioral time cues. Investigating rhythms in circulating metabolites as biomarkers of peripheral clock disturbances may offer new insights. We evaluated the impact of misaligned sleep/wake and feeding/fasting cycles on circulating metabolites using a targeted metabolomics approach. Sequential plasma samples obtained during a 24-h constant routine that followed a 3-d simulated night-shift schedule, compared with a simulated day-shift schedule, were analyzed for 132 circulating metabolites. Nearly half of these metabolites showed a 24-h rhythmicity under constant routine following either or both simulated shift schedules. However, while traditional markers of the circadian clock in the SCN—melatonin, cortisol, and PER3 expression—maintained a stable phase alignment after both schedules, only a few metabolites did the same. Many showed reversed rhythms, lost their rhythms, or showed rhythmicity only under constant routine following the night-shift schedule. Here, 95% of the metabolites with a 24-h rhythmicity showed rhythms that were driven by behavioral time cues externally imposed during the preceding simulated shift schedule rather than being driven by the central SCN circadian clock. Characterization of these metabolite rhythms will provide insight into the underlying mechanisms linking shift work and metabolic disorders.

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