Abstract Until now, most of studies on Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) have been focused on the introduction of EDI and the performance of EDI. But recently, t here have been increasing researches on diffusion of Electronic Data Interchange. The aims of this study are twofold. First, to find the impacts of various factors on EDI diffusion, second, to examine the relationship between EDI diffusion factors and EDI diffusion degree. To accomplish those aims of study, two kinds of methodologies are adopted in the studies, First, model building by wide investigation on previous papers, Second, empirical research for finding the determinants of diffusion of EDI. The results of testing the hypotheses of this research are summarized as follows. First, The important EDI diffusion variables influencing internal diffusion of EDI c onsist of top management support, scope for EDI, IS sophistication, compatibility, complexity, re lative advantages, competition intensity and external pressure. Second, Top management support , scope for EDI, IS sophistication, compatibility, relative advantages, competition intensity and external pressure are associated with external diffusion of EDI. We are aware of the important fact that top management support, scope for EDI, IS sophistication, compatibility, relat ive advantage, competition intensity and external pressure were simultaneously associated with inter nal and external diffusion of EDI ▸Keyword:전자자료교환(EDI : Electronic Data Interchange), 확산(Diffusion ) ∙제1저자 : 최도원 교신저자 : 신성윤 ∙투고일 : 2010. 07. 22, 심사일 : 2010. 07. 24, 게재확정일 : 2010. 07. 30.*서해대학 유통물류과 교수 ** 군산대학교 컴퓨터정보공학과 교수 *** 세방 (주) 군산지사 부두운영팀 차장※ 이 논문은 2010년 한국컴퓨터정보학회 제42차 하계학술대회에 발표한 논문 “EDI 확산요인과 성과에 관한 연구” 를 확장한 것임.
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전자거래의 성립에 관한 연구