The Renewable Energy Overview And Applicability In The World

Considered as a country with clean renewable energy resources abundant, but the application of renewable energy technology is still in its early stages and still limited in Vietnam. According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the growth rate of energy demand in Vietnam is now double the GDP growth rate. Meanwhile, in developed countries, the ratio is only lower than one. Vietnam's energy consumption is growing, almost five times between 1990 and 2004 (from 4.21 Million tons of oil converted to 19.55 million tons in order), with an annual average increase of 11.7% per year. According to "Vietnam's National Energy Development Strategy to 2020, Vision to 2050," approved by the Prime Minister since 2007, the target of new and renewable energy sources remains at a modest level (about 5% of total primary commercial energy by 2010 and 11% by 2050). Meanwhile, demand for energy is rising rapidly in Vietnam.