A Programmer''s Guide to the Generalized Image Library

This document describes the generalized image library from tlie viewpoint of a programnier ivlio wishes to use the library in his programs. -4 separate docullleiit describes tlie facilities nli ich tlw generalized image library provides for the users of such progranis. -4 third document descrilm the generalized image library from the viewpoint of a developer \vho wishes to add to tlie library.5 capabilj t ie5. Copyright @ Leonard G. C. Hamey This research was sponsored by the Defense -4dvanced Research Projects -4gency. DOD. through ARPA Order KO. 4976. and monitored by the -4ir Force Avionics Laboratory under contract F3361.5-13-Ii-1520. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies. either expressed or implied. of the Defense Advanced Research Projects -4gellcy or of the t-.S. Goveriiineiit.