As the expeditious of Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging and is accustom for remote monitoring of the surrounding parameters and other stuffs with the use of sensors that acquaint for wireless sensing of real time data and transfer them into the desired form and help to forward the sensed data across the network cloud via lsquoInternet Connectionrsquo. Here the project work deals with The IoT lsquoThingspeakrsquo web service which is a generous open API service that act as a host for the variety of sensors to monitor the sensed data at cloud level and composite a special feature of porting the sensed data to the MATLAB R2016a using a channel ID and read API key that is assigned by services and able to track data value at picky sample at particular intervals. This project also uses an Arduino UNO board, ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module that helps to process and transfer the sensed data to the Thingspeak Cloud.
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Access network energy efficient dynamic power scaling
Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC) 2012.
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Xively based sensing and monitoring system for IoT
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Power management of online data-intensive services
2011 38th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA).
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ThingSpeak – an API and Web Service for the Internet of Things