Automatic Selection of Machine Learning Models for WCET-aware Compiler Heuristic Generation !

Machine learning has shown its capabilities for an automati cg enera- tion of heuristics used by optimizing compilers. The advantages of these heuristics are that they can be easily adopted to a new environment and in some cases out- perform hand-crafted compiler optimizations. However, this approach shifts the e!ort from manual heuristic tuning to the model selection pr oblem of machine learning - i.e., selecting learning algorithms and their respective parameters - which is a tedious task in its own right. In this paper, we tackle the model selection problem in a systematic way. As our experiments show, the right choice of a learning algorithm and its parame- ters can significantly a!ect the quality of the generated heu ristics. We present ag eneric framework integrating machine learning into ac ompiler to enable an automatic search for the best learning algorithm. To find goo ds ettings for the learner parameters within the large search space, optimizations based on evolu- tionary algorithms are applied. In contrast to the majority of other approaches aiming at a reduction of the average-case execution time (ACET), our goal is the minimization of the worst-case execution time (WCET) which is a key parameter for embedded systems acting as real-time systems. A careful case study on the heuristic generation for the well-known optimization loop invariant code motion shows the challenges and benefits of our methods. 1I ntroduction Optimizing compilers transform a program written in a sourc el anguage into as eman- tically equivalent program in a target language. The generated code should exhibit a high performance. Since finding optimal solutions to compiler optimizations is provably hard, compiler writers are forced to use heuristics as approximate solutions. The devel- opment of heuristics for compiler optimizations is a tediou st ask requiring both ah igh amount of expertise and an extensive trial-and-error tuning. The reasons are twofold. First, heuristics often use simplified architecture models of complex systems, which do not su!ciently capture all relevant architectural feature s. Second, compiler optimiza- tions are typically executed within a sequence of interfering optimizations. Since the mutual interactions are hardly predictable, compiler writers develop heuristics based on conservative assumptions. Such heuristics avoid negative e"ects but also prevent the exploration of the optimization potential. ! The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Artist Design Network of Excellence and from the European Community's Seventh Frame-

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