[Scientific activity of the most productive Spanish research teams in pharmacology and pharmacy during the period 1986-1993 as covered by the Science Citation Index (SCI)].
Bibliometric analyses at the research team level in the pharmacology and pharmacy (F&F) subfield allow in-depth analysis of the findings obtained at higher aggregation levels.
Publications of Spanish authors in pharmacological journals covered by the Science Citation Index (SCI) are studied and the most productive Spanish teams during 1986-1989 and 1990-1993 are identified through in-house programmes based on co-authorship analysis. Team composition is defined and team size, scientific output, productivity, expected impact factor and collaboration pattern of the most productive teams are analysed as well as its evolution over time.
The observed annual increasing rate in the number of publications and authors in the field (11%) was similar to that of the number of researchers in the Spanish scientific system (8%). The number of highly productive teams doubled from the first to the second period (28 and 61 teams, respectively). The average team size was 8 researchers, showing an average scientific output of 3 documents/year and an average, productivity of 1.7 publications per author and team in each period. Over the years, an increase in the expected impact factor (EIF) of the publication journals and significant changes in the team composition were observed. A total of 13 stable teams were identified, with a greater size and output than the rest of the groups, and showing an upward trend in their expected impact factor and international collaboration rate. Stable teams did not show the negative correlation between team size and productivity observed for the total of the highly productive teams.
The F&F subfield is in a very dynamic stage, with a great increase in the number of researchers, starting of new teams and consolidation of others. A trend was observed towards the concentration of activity in the most productive teams, that are the most visible internationally both in number of publications in the SCI and in the impact factor of the publication journals.