Functional Organisation of the Human Visual Cortex

Preface. List of contributors. Comparative Studies of the Primate Visual System: What the Monkey Brain Tells Us About the Human Brain. The organization of visual cortex in primates: problems, conclusions, and the use of comparative studies in understanding the human brain, J. H. Kaas. Control mechanisms of primate corticogenesis, C. Dehay & H. Kenned . Probing the primate visual cortex: pathways and perspectives, D. C. Van Essen et al . Parallel pathways in the visual system, P. H. Schiller. Columnar organization in visual cortex in non-human primates and man, R. B. H. Tootell et al . Object identification and cortical organization, H. Barlow. Anatomy, Histology and Histochemistry of Human Visual Cortex. Gross anatomy and gyrification of the occipital cortex in human and non-human primates, R. Gebhard et al . Cyto- and myeloarchitecture of human visual cortex and the periodical GABA A receptor distribution, K. Zilles & A. Schlei her. The geniculocalcarine pathway in man, and some putative rostral visual areas involved in visuo-spatial attention, J. Miklossy. Callosal connections and functional subdivision of the human occipital cortex, S. Clarke. Sequential development of intracortical processing channels in human visual cortex, A. Burkhalter. Cytochrome oxidase studies on the human visual system, M. T. T. Wong-Riley. Anatomical Lesions and Functional Deficits in Human Visual Cortex. Blindsight and perceptual consciousness: neuropsychological aspects of striate cortical function, P. Stoerig & A. Cowey. Colour and face perception in man and monkey: the missing link, C. A. Heywood & A. Cowey. On the cerebral organization of elementary visuo-spatial perception, D. Yves Von Cramon & G. Kerkho f. The neuropsychology of mental imagery, M. J. Farah. Functional Mapping of Human Visual Cortex. Models of the visual cortex on the basis of psychophysical observations, J. Rovamo et al . Models of the visual cortex based on visual evoked potentials, N. Drasdo et al . Functional aspects of paracentral vision, I. Bodis-Wollner. Visually related activity in human temporal cortical neurons, G. A. Ojemann et al . Mapping of Visual Functions in Man with Positron Emission Tomography. The energy cost of neuronal depolarization, A. Gjedde. Neuroreceptor localization and quantification by emission computed tomography, J. J. Frost. Functional separation of colour and motion centres in human visual cortex, J. D. G. Watson et al . Dissociation of object and spatial visual processing pathways in human extrastriate cortex, J. V. Haxby et al . Cortical areas involved in stereovision, B. Gulyas & P. E. Rol nd. The processing of faces in the cerebral cortex, J. Sergent. Visual cortices participating in visual memory and visual imagery (P.E. Roland, J. Decety). Subject index.