Virtual Power Plant as A Remedy to The Power Crisis Of Bangladesh: A Case Study-CUET
A virtual power plant is a cluster of distributed generation installations (such as microchip, wind-turbines, small hydro, back-up genets etc.) which are collectively run by a central control entity. The concerted operational mode shall result in an extra benefit as to deliver peak load electricity or load following power at short notice. Bangladesh is facing acute power crisis like other developing countries. As we have limited resources we have to think economically. VPP is playing good role in European & American market. So we have taken VPP as a solution for power crisis. In this thesis, we have taken CUET as a reference model. To solve the power crisis in CUET & to supply power to the main grid a small virtual power plant is designed .Whole CUET is divided into three regions for designing purpose. By using MATLAB simulink environment machine characteristic curves are derived & cost is calculated. K EY W ORDS : VPP; MATLAB; DG; CUET; MCCB; DER; LDC . DOI: