Multi-busbar Solar Cells and Modules: High Efficiencies and Low Silver Consumption☆

Ideally, future photovoltaic modules show higher po wer output without increasing costs during cell pro duction or module interconnection. Today significant losses oc cur during stringing the cells in a module by using standard 3busbar technology. In this paper an elegant approac h for a front side design is discussed by using mor e busbars than the widely used 3-busbar design for the solar cell front electrode. Simulations demonstrated that the multi-busbar design allows higher cell and module efficiencies c ompared to a state of the art 3-busbar cell design, and in the same time reduces the amount of silver needed for the fr ont electrode. A conventional full area Al BSF and s tandard screen printing for the front contact was used for the 6" Cz-Si multi-busbar solar cells and efficiencies of u p to 19.5% have been reached. The solar cells were analyzed on cell and module level and a reduction in Ag consumption for the front electrode of >50%abs could be achieved using the multi-busbar cell desi gn. An additional silver reduction was achieved by replacing the rear side Ag/Al pads with tin pads for the soldering process. These changes in solar cell design reduce significantly the metallization costs and in the same time increase the efficiency. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility o f the scientific committee of the SiliconPV 2013 conference