Performance evaluation of musical instruments using computer controlled test setup

A computer based test setup was developed to determine the performance of musical instruments. Various local markets (Tanjore and Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu and Simpadipura in Karnataka) were surveyed and information was collected on timbers being used for making musical instruments and also for exploring the possibility of making musical instruments from plantation species. Different musical instruments like veena, chitra veena and dholak were got fabricated (with the assistance of skilled persons proficient in making these items) using plantation timbers such as Artocarpus hirsutus Lam., Bombax ceiba Linn.,Melia dubia Cav. and Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. A PC based dual channel FFT analyzer and 0.62 cm inch condenser microphones along with preamplifier were employed for the analysis of wave front generated by the musical instruments (both traditional as well as fabricated by the artists). The wave front generated by the musical instruments (veena, chitra veena and dholak) is picked up by the microphone (kept near the musical instrument) and sound spectrum is recorded using FFT analyzer. The data obtained on sound spectrum generated by musical instruments were analyzed and found the suitability of species for musical instruments based on frequency spectrum and elastic properties. The outcome of research will be useful for music industries involved in fabrication of musical instruments by way of suggesting alternate timber species.