The Manipulation of Literature: Studies in Literary Translation@@@The Poet's Other Voice: Conversations on Literary Translation

Preface Introduction: Translation Studies and a New Paradigm Theo Hermans 2. A Rationale for Descriptive Translation Studies Gideon Toury 3. On Describing Translations Jose Lambert and Hendrik van Gorp 4. Second Thoughts on Translation Criticism: A model of its Analytic Function Raymond van den Broeck 5. How Distinct are Formal and Dynamic Equivalence? Maria Tymoczko 6. Ways Through the Labyrinth: Strategies and Methods for Translating Theatre Texts Susan Bassnett-McGuire 7. Images of Translation: Metaphor and Imagery in the Renaissance Discourse on Translation Theo Hermans 8. Translation and Literary Genre: The European Picaresque Novel in the 17th and 18th Centuries Hendrik van Gorp 9. Translated Literature in France, 1800-1850 Jose Lambert, Lieven D'hulst and Katrin van Bragt 10. The Survival of Myth: Mandel 'schtam's "Word" and Translation Leon Burnett 11. The Response to Translated Literature: A sad Example Ria Vanderauwera 12. Why Waste our Time on Rewrites? The Trouble with Interpretation and the Role of Rewriting in an Alternative Paradigm Andre Lefevere General Bibliography Contributors