Markov random fields : theory and application

Image modeling during the 1980s - a brief overview, A. Rosenfeld compound Gauss-Markov random fields for parallel image processing, J.W. Woods, et al stochastic algorithms for restricted image spaces and experiments in deblurring, D. Geman, et al a continuation method for image estimation using the A-diabatic approximation, A. Rangarahan and R. Chellappa isotropic priors for single photon emission computed tomography, S. Geman Gaussian Markov random fields at multiple resolution, S. Lakshmanan and H. Derin texture synthesis and classification, S. Chatterjee spectral estimation for random fields with applications to Markov Modelling and texture classification, J. Yuan and T.S. Rao probabilistic network inference for cooperative high and low level vision, P.B. Chow, et al stereo matching, S. Barnard 3-D analysis of A shaded and textural surface image, R.L. Kashyap shape from texture using Gaussian Markov random fields, F.S. Cohen and M. Patel the use of Markov random fields in estimating and reorganizing objects in 3D spaces, D.B. Cooper, et al A Markov random field model-based approach to image interpretation, J.W. Modestino and J. Zhang A Markov random field restoration of image sequences, T.J. Hainsworth and K.V. Mardia the MIT vision machine - progress in the integration of vision modules, T. Poggio and D. Weinshall parameter estimation for Gibbs distributions from fully observed data, B. Gidas on sampling methods and annealing algorithms, S.B. Gelfand and S. Mitter adaptive Gibbsian automata, J.L. Marroquin and A. Ramirez.