Port Information System For Port Authority
Is there my relationship between a port information system and a port type? This paper aims to define its relationship through a study on the port types of advanced countries and their information systems. In terms of port ownership and its governing body, the port type can be divided into 4 types: state-run, public corporation, local government-run, and private ownership. According to the port type, the major activities of ports are different. In the case of a state-run and local government-run port, they put emphasis on the function of administration, but a public corporation and private ownership stress the importance of customer services. The study results of the mutual relationship of a port type and an information system show that the state-run and local government-run ports have a good administration-oriented system, and public corporation and privatized ports have an excellent customer-oriented community system and e-business system. The differences in the information system by port type provide an important suggestion to the improvement of information system of Busan Port Authority. As Busan port has been transformed from a state-run type to a public corporation, a new port information system has to be followed. Accordingly, this study has suggested a three-stage development plan: The first is a mirroring stage of stabilizing the port management, the second is a cooperation stage of enhancing customer services through the establishment of a community system, and the third is an e-business stage of developing a profit system in order to create value added.