A Blueprint for Target Motion: fMRI Reveals Perceived Sequential Complexity to Modulate Premotor Cortex

The execution of movements that are guided by an increasingly complex target motion is known to draw on premotor cortices. Whole-brain functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to investigate whether, in the absence of any movement, attending to and predicting increasingly complex target motion also rely on premotor cortices. Complexity was varied as a function of number of sequential elements and amount of dynamic sequential trend in a pulsing target motion. As a result, serial prediction caused activations in premotor and parietal cortices, particularly within the right hemisphere. Parametric analyses revealed that the right ventrolateral premotor cortex and the right anterior intraparietal sulcus were the only areas that, in addition, covaried positively with both behavioral and physical measures of sequential complexity. Further areas that covaried positively with increasing task difficulty reflected influences of both number and trend manipulation. In particular, increasing element number drew on dorsal premotor and corresponding posterior intraparietal regions, whereas increasing trend drew on the visual motion area and area V4. The present findings demonstrate that premotor involvement directly reflects perceptual complexity in attended and predicted target motion. It is suggested that when we try to predict how a target will move, the motor system generates a "blueprint" of the observed motion that allows potential sensorimotor integration. In the absence of any motor requirement, this blueprint appears to be not a by-product of motor planning, but rather the basis for target motion prediction.

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