A formal specifications maturity model

Industry needs do not stop at providing assurances of the quality of software products. Software development organizations should achieve an industry-level understanding of the process of software development so that successful software products are viewed as defined, repeatable, and managed products that can be planned for and expected. Consequently, process-oriented approaches to assuring software quality and reliability are gaining attention. For example, Bowen [1] recommends: “It is important that standards should not be over-prescriptive... . Ideally, dependability goals should be set and the onus should be on the software suppliers that their methods achieve the required level of confidence.” Table 1 gives a brief glossary of some relevant terms. The proposed measurement model evaluates a capability maturity of requirements specifications processes. Requirements specifications are fundamental in the process-oriented approach to achieving Software quality is an issue of generally recognized importance. We propose a measurement model to determine the capability maturity levels of formal spec-