A non-coherent surface backscattering model for radar observation of planetary bodies and its application to Cassini radar altimeter

Abstract Mission and hardware constraints make the Cassini radar altimeter working in the beam limited or pulse limited mode dependent on the radar operative mode (Low and High Resolution, respectively), but never allows work in a condition such that the pulsewidth limited circle is much smaller than the beamwidth limited circle. Unfortunately this latter condition is vital for the application of the so-called Brown model widely and successfully used in Earth (ocean) observation missions where the quoted condition is really met. In the paper a new model is discussed which is based on the same general hypotheses of the Brown model but is worked out by means of a different approach which makes it more general and independent of the specific operative conditions. An extension of the new model to take into account large mispointing angles is considered as well based on a series expansion of the Bessel function and on the analysis of the truncation error. Finally a comparison with the classical Brown model is discussed too.