Internet Protocol Function Enhancement using Information Centric Approach to Solve Mobility and Security Problems for Internets of Things

In order to facilitate automated tasks, technologies embrace smart devices and smart applications of Internet of Things (IoT) environment. The IoT environment is blended with various contexts and services that require high quality performance in terms of mobility and security. It is challenging for IoT environment to have seamless mobility with secure and reliable communication due to its nature constraint oriented characteristic such as low processor, limited memory and low energy. The challenges are worsen when the current Internet Protocol networking does not cater mobility and security problem of IoT constraint oriented devices because of its host cache identity, large packet size and time consuming complex multi-layer functions. These challenges have motivated us to enhance the Internet Protocol networking function to overcome existing mobility and security limitations for IoT environment using Information Centric networking approach. The main reason for choosing Information Centric networking is because of the connection is based on data instead of machine and addresses, it is data security oriented and it also provides in-network caching that are useful for constraint oriented communication.