Assessment of Harbour Porpoise Bycatch along the Portuguese and Galician Coast: Insights from Strandings over Two Decades

Simple Summary The Iberian harbour porpoise is currently threatened by accidental captures in fisheries (bycatch). Because monitoring cetacean bycatch is particularly challenging, marine mammal stranding networks may provide important information. Between 2000 and 2020, 756 porpoises washed ashore (stranded) on Portuguese and Galician coastlines. The post-mortem analyses of stranded porpoises revealed that the most representative cause of stranding (46.98% of the analysed porpoises) was fishery interaction and another 10.99% was identified as probable fishery interaction. Combining this information with porpoise annual abundance estimates in Portugal available for the period between 2011 and 2015, an estimated average of 207 porpoises died each year due to bycatch in Portuguese waters alone. This estimate greatly surpassed the maximum annual number of porpoise strandings due to human interactions (22 porpoises) that were predicted to occur without negatively affecting the population in Portuguese waters. To prevent porpoise bycatch in Portugal and Spain, fishing effort management is needed and new activities at sea must be carefully considered. Moreover, appropriate measures directed at the conservation of the Iberian harbour porpoise are crucial to ensure the restoration and survival of the population. Abstract The Iberian harbour porpoise population is small and fisheries bycatch has been described as one of its most important threats. Data on harbour porpoise strandings collected by the Portuguese and Galician stranding networks between 2000 and 2020 are indicative of a recent mortality increase in the western Iberian coast (particularly in northern Portugal). Overall, in Portugal and Galicia, individuals stranded due to confirmed fishery interaction represented 46.98% of all analysed porpoises, and individuals stranded due to probable fishery interaction represented another 10.99% of all analysed porpoises. Considering the Portuguese annual abundance estimates available between 2011 and 2015, it was possible to calculate that an annual average of 207 individuals was removed from the population in Portuguese waters alone, which largely surpasses the potential biological removal (PBR) estimates (22 porpoises, CI: 12–43) for the same period. These results are conservative and bycatch values from strandings are likely underestimated. A structured action plan accounting for new activities at sea is needed to limit the Iberian porpoise population decline. Meanwhile, there is an urgent need for a fishing effort reorganization to directly decrease porpoise mortality.

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