FPA development: from InGaAs, InSb, to HgCdTe

This paper reports preliminary results obtained on 1.7µm InGaAs, Vis-InGaAs, extended-wavelength InGaAs, InSb, and HgCdTe 320x256 FPAs fabricated at Judson. Test structures designed to characterize fundamental detector parameters are presented. FPA performance and imaging analysis are reported. Possible performance improvements by means of architectural design and fabrication process refinement are described. Future development plan and preliminary experimental results on FPAs with larger format and smaller pitch are also discussed. Relatively low dark current and NEI values, as well as high operability, are achieved for 1.7µm InGaAs FPAs at room temperature. High quantum efficiency in the visible wavelength range is achieved for Vis-InGaAs FPAs. Low NETD values are achieved for InSb FPAs at LN2 and MWIR HgCdTe FPAs at -70°C (203°K).