전자상거래 인력양성 정책의 전략요인에 대한 분석

Among emerging urgent issues on the national human resource development, it is very imperative to develop the human resource(HR) of the electronic commerce(EC). However, the critical factor analysis and framework are not propounded for setting, implementing, and evaluating HR policy of EC. This research consists of two parts. First, this research tries to define and classify Human-power system of EC. This research surveyed the present and future sensitivity of various EC technologies in order to propose the directiveness of HR. Second, by using policy delphi, 8 critical factors and sub strategic factors are extracted as follows: policy implementation system and policy directiveness, technology development, systematical program of HR development, professional HR, cooperative linkage system of EC, socioeconomic factors, and others. Based on the result of policy delphi, those critical factors are effectively systemized by adapting the Fishbone Analysis.