번역교육을 통한 학부 영어영문학 전공 학습자의 영어능력 향상방안
In this paper, we tried to investigate the desirable curriculum plans to meet the needs from the students of English(Language and Literature) major in Korea. The need analysis was based on the survey study done by the undergraduate students at two universities in Busan. The need analysis showed that more emphasis should be put on practical English teaching than the theoretical study areas like linguistics and literature. Hence it suggested that we need to develop the optimal curriculum model for teaching practical English to the undergraduate students of English major. In this paper it was argued that the curriculum model for the students of English major should be based on translation teaching, and the translation teaching could be based on the three types of translational texts: literary texts, film texts, and technical texts, whose advantages in translation teaching were defined on the basis of previous studies. It was claimed that the curriculum model for translation teaching needed to be classified into in-institution and self-directed models and there should be four stages for teaching(and learning) in each model. It was argued that there should some activities for each stage. We also discussed the teaching procedures and assessment plans for the teaching of film translation.