DeCloud: Truthful Decentralized Double Auction for Edge Clouds

The sharing economy has made great inroads with services like Uber or Airbnb enabling people to share their unused resources with those needing them. The computing world, however, despite its abundance of excess computational resources has remained largely unaffected by this trend, save for few examples like SETI@home. We present DeCloud, a decentralized market framework bringing the sharing economy to on-demand computing where the offering of pay-as-you-go services will not be limited to large companies, but ad hoc clouds can be spontaneously formed on the edge of the network. We design incentive compatible double auction mechanism targeted specifically for distributed ledger trust model instead of relying on third-party auctioneer. DeCloud incorporates innovative matching heuristic capable of coping with the level of heterogeneity inherent for large-scale open systems. Evaluating DeCloud on Google cluster-usage data, we demonstrate that the system has a near-optimal performance from an economic point of view, additionally enhanced by the flexibility of matching.

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