Parity, stage of follicular development, and sperm presence in hemiarctic host-seeking Hybomitra populations (Diptera: Tabanidae).

Parity, stage of follicular development, and sperm presence were monitored in six host-seeking Hybomitra species from the Gulf of Richmond (56°20′N, 75°80′W) along the eastern coast of Hudson Bay in northern Quebec in 1983. Parous flies represented 40, 31, 92, and 20% of H. aequetincta, H. arpadi, H. lurida , and H. zonalis populations, respectively. Only parous flies were found in H. frontalis and H. hearlei populations. Anautogeny in H. aequetincta and H. zonalis populations, and autogeny in the H. hearlei population, are reported for the first time. Sperm was detected in 84% of the flies; 63% had terminal follicles at stage II ( n = 711). Sperm prevalence was higher in parous than in nulliparous flies of anautogenous species.