Using ODL aided by ICT and internet to increase agricultural productivity in rural Nigeria
ODL materials aided by ICT and internet have a great potential in transforming the backward African agriculture into a commercial level if the ICT and internet facilities can be sustained in rural areas.
A project was implemented in rural Nigeria after a model that makes ICT and internet run sustainably in rural locations.
At a pilot level in Ago-Are village in Oyo State Nigeria, a multi-purpose community information access point was established with basic ICT infrastructure including internet access. The access point provides links to the Community Help Desk and other sources of information on the internet; provides training to farmers; links them directly with inputs and output markets, and provides an array of equipments that farmers lacked on rental basis.
ODL materials to increase productivity, add value and market agricultural products, and for fostering newly developed agricultural enterprises were also produced and used.
Participating farmers increased their holdings, external inputs used, and productivity leading to higher incomes with attendant evidence of graduation into commercial farming. General income made by center in the first year of operation was fifty percent more than required to keep the ICT and internet infrastructures running.