Toward phenomenology of groups and group membership - an introduction, H. Sondak Using existential-phenomenology to study a work team, R. Stablein Transitory interactions - fieldwork on the phenomenology of groups in organizations, A.B. Hargadon Why some teams emphasize learning more than others - evidence from business unit management teams, J.S. Bunderson, K.M. Sutcliffe Creating and reducing intergroup conflict - the role of perspective-taking in affecting out-group evaluations, A.D. Galinsky Terms of engagement - why do people invest themselves in work?, T.R. Tyler, S. Blader Why am I here? The influence of group and relational attributes on member-initiated team selection, Z.I. Barsness et al. Familiarity in groups - exploring the relationship between inter-member familiarity and group behavior, T.L. Rockett, G.A. Okhuysen Helping transnational team members to sense trust - a counterintuitive approach to leadership, G.M. Spreitzer et al. Getting and staying in-pace - the "in-synch" preference and its implications for work groups, S. Blount, G. Janicik Making sense of the phenomenology of groups and group membership, H. Sondak.