Sensitivity of Uplink OFDMA, MC-CDMA and MC-DS-CDMA to Different Phase Jitter Models

Summary In this contribution, we consider the effect of carrier phase jitter on the performance of uplink OFDMA, uplink multicarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) and uplink multicarrier direct sequence CDMA (MC-DS-CDMA) systems, assuming orthogonal spreading sequences. For this aim, it is proposed, first to consider a small random jitter, then, to model phase jitter by Gaussian and Rayleigh laws. Theoretical expressions are derived for the performance degradation caused by phase jitter. Assuming full load and ideal channel, it is shown that performance degradation depends only on jitter variance and on the law followed by this jitter. Further, we point out that, first, performance degradations are similar for all uplink systems OFDMA, MC-CDMA and MC-DS-CDMA, and then, Rayleigh model performs better than Gaussian model for the waveforms studied. As a conclusion, we have to know the law followed by the phase jitter in order to have more control on system performances.

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