Cabrera1 has reported the possible detection of a magnetic monopole in flight with magnetic charge g given by the Dirac condition2 2eg = hc. Here, we accept the Cabrera candidate as a t'Hooft–Polyakov3,4 monopole of mass M ∼ 1016 GeV as expected5 in SU(5) or other grand unified theories. The monopole flux on Earth, on the basis of the single candidate, is f∼(0.1) cm−2 yr−1 (2πsr)−1, presumably consisting of roughly equal numbers of north and south monopoles. Galactic or intergalactic monopoles will have typical velocities of ∼300 km s−1. The Cabrera flux would correspond to a mass density f M/v ∼1 GeV cm−3. Because the mean mass density of the Universe cannot exceed 10−5 GeV cm−3, the mean flux of monopoles in the Universe must be at least five orders of magnitude smaller than f (refs 6,7). This would not be a problem if the monopoles were concentrated in the Galaxy. However, Parker has shown8 that the existence of galactic magnetic fields is inconsistent with a mean galactic monopole flux of 10−7 cm−2 yr−1. It follows that f must be a local flux resulting from the special nature of the observation site. Three possibilities come to mind: the local monopole flux may be associated with the Earth, the Sun, or with the Solar System as a whole.
Blas Cabrera,et al.
First results from a superconductive detector for moving magnetic monopoles
J. Preskill.
Cosmological Production of Superheavy Magnetic Monopoles
E. Parker.
The Origin of Magnetic Fields
E. Parker.
The perturbation of interplanetary dust grains by the solar wind.
F. Wilczek.
Remarks on Dyons
C. Callan.
Dyon-fermion dynamics
Gerard 't Hooft,et al.
Magnetic monopoles in unified gauge theories
P. Dirac.
Quantised Singularities in the Electromagnetic Field
G. Lazarides,et al.
H. Georgi,et al.
Unity of All Elementary Particle Forces