국소평균공기연령을 이용한 국소환경시스템의 청정도 평가 및 예측

A numerical and experimental study on the evaluation and the prediction of cleanliness level in the mini-environment system was carried out. Using the concept of local mean air-age (LMA) and effective flow rate, the new direct method for estimating the mini-environment was developed and compared with the previous performance index of airflow pattern characteristics. It was found out that the airflow pattern analysis is a restricted method to estimate the real performance of the mini-environment. The reason is that the airflow pattern cannot predict the effect of the increment of the ventilation rate on the cleanliness level in the mini-environment. While LMA is capable of showing the effects of the contaminant accumulation caused by turbulent intensity, eddy, and the increment of the effective flow rate. This result showed that LMA is more exact and effective performance index than the previous one like the airflow pattern characteristics.