Redundant filterbank precoders and equalizers. II. Blind channel estimation, synchronization, and direct equalization

For pt.I see ibid., vol.47, no.7, p.1988-2006 (1999). Transmitter redundancy introduced using finite impulse response (FIR) filterbank precoders offers a unifying framework for single- and multiuser transmissions. With minimal rate reduction, FIR filterbank transmitters with trailing zeros allow for perfect (in the absence of noise) equalization of FIR channels with FIR zero-forcing equalizer filterbanks, irrespective of the input color and the channel zero locations. Exploiting this simple form of redundancy, blind channel estimators, block synchronizers, and direct self-recovering equalizing filterbanks are derived in this paper. The resulting algorithms are computationally simple, require small data sizes, can be implemented online, and remain consistent (after appropriate modifications), even at low SNR colored noise. Simulations illustrate applications to blind equalization of downlink CDMA transmissions, multicarrier modulations through channels with deep fades, and superior performance relative to CMA and existing output diversity techniques relying on multiple antennas and fractional sampling.

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