Levantamento Secundário do Estado Atual da Mastofauna na Região de Sorocaba, SP

Mammals present great morphological and behavior diversity as well as an ecological representation of great importance, having strict relations and interactions with other species and its habitat. Ecological studies have been the primary tool for the conservation of remaining natural ecosystems. It is important to build knowledge on the habitant species in order to preserve a specific location. To this effect, surveying of data on the occurrence and abundance frequency, in addition to the vulnerability status, are essential when it comes to outlining strategies when choosing and indicating proprietary actions for the conservation of mammals. Despite the recent increase on the number of studies and knowledge on the mastofauna, information relative to its distribution is still considered deficient. Therefore, some authors are encouraging the realization of wildlife inventories that are able to establish the occurrence records for a particular specific region, as well as a patrimony on information relevant to the preservation of the state mastofauna. Hence, the objective of this was to update the list of mammals species that occur mainly in the Greater Sorocaba region, with reference to occurrences in the Water Resources Management Unit of the Médio-Tiête/Sorocaba (UGRHI 10), using secondary data raised in bibliographical references research. The efforts applied in this study have raised a list of 71 taxa of mammals for this region. Included in this list, Panthera onça is classified as critically endangered (CR), the black-lion-