Programming Internet email
Preface. 1. Electronic Mail on the Internet Email Systems Internet Email Standards Tools of the Trade The Basic Internet Email System. 2. Simple Text Messages Internet Text Messages Think Globally, Act Locally Headers. 3. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Mail with Attitude MIME Header Fields MIME Encoding MIME Boundaries MIME Summary. 4. Creating MIME-Compliant Messages The Minimal MIME Message Multipart Messages Nested Body Parts A Few Interesting MIME Types MIME Message Creation Gotchas. 5. OpenPGP and S/MIME An Extremely Brief Introduction to Security Concepts An Overview of OpenPGP and S/MIME Combining Security and MIME The OpenPGP Format The S/MIME Format. 6. vCard Personal Data Interchange with vCard The vCard Version 3.0 Profile The vCard Version 2.1 Profile Attaching vCards to Email Messages. 7. Mailbox Formats mbox MH Maildir. 8. Mailcap Files Mailcap File Format Implementation Under Unix Operating Systems Implementation Under Other Operating Systems. 9. The Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Using ESMTP ESMTP Commands ESMTP Sessions. 10. The Post Offce Protocol Using POP POP Commands POP Sessions. 11. The Internet Message Access Protocol Using IMAP IMAP Commands IMAP Sessions. 12. The Application Configuration Access Protocol Using ACAP ACAP Commands ACAP Sessions. 13. Email-Related Perl Modules Finding and Installing Perl Modules Maturity of the Mail-Related Modules Email-Related Modules Quick Reference. 14. The Java Mail API An Overview of the Java Mail API Java Mail API Reference. 15. Creating and Sending a Multipart Mail Message Designing a MIME-Capable Replacement for /bin/mail Creating Extending and Enhancing Sending MIME Email via Java. 16. Archiving and Cleaning a Mailbox Scrubbing Unwanted MIME Attachments Creating Extending and Enhancing 17. Watching an IMAP Mailbox Designing JBiff Creating JBiff Extending JBiff. 18. Anti-Spamming Techniques The UCE Problem Recipient Approaches Service Provider Approaches Legislative Approaches. 19. The Future of Email Trends in MUAs Trends with Web-based Mail Trends Inside Firewalls A. Internet RFCs Relating to Email B. MIME Media Types C. ASCII D. Mail-Related URLs Glossary Index