Since reference to only nine cases of giant-cell tumors of the rib has been found, the following additional case of this relatively rare lesion is being reported: C. S., a white woman, aged 31, admitted to the University of Michigan Hospital in February 1934, complained of an enlarging tumor of the second rib close to the right costochondral junction. Two years previous to admission, the patient noticed a small hard nodule in this region. The tumor slowly progressed in size and became more prominent, especially during the six months prior to admission. There was no history of trauma and there had been no pain or tenderness. Examination showed a hard, nodular tumor, 2.5 cm. in diameter, involving the second rib immediately lateral to the costochondral junction and extending into the first and second intercostal spaces. The overlying skin was elevated about 0.5 cm. and was not fixed to the mass.